Garri Olbrajt I Lyucifer Grimm Video

/ * CGI / OTHER - Aron the Rogue Watcher BEN GRIMM Big Brain Blackheart (E) Buzz Grimm Cauldron (E) Chaos (E) CHUCK GRIMM Death Wreck Death's Head Destroyer Devos The Devastator (E) Doc DRAGON MAN Dreadface (E) Elektro 2 [Monster] Fabrikant (E) Gari Oyle (E) Jake Grimm Kthara Korg Kuurth (E) Larry Rambow (E) MANGOG (E) Man-Thing Monster From.

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Contents • • • • • • Plot [ ] Opening quote: ' Juliette () receives a call from a friend, Alicia (), who states that her husband has been abusing her. She tells her to come to Portland to discuss her marriage. While staying in the house, Nick sees that she is a Fuchsbau. In Vienna, Adalind () meets with Renard (), where he demands to know who is the father.

She does not tell him but he warns her that her people are only interested in the baby and not to trust anyone. Back in Portland, a healer named Boris Myshkin () heals a woman from a pain she has been suffering. He then attends a Russian party where everyone is celebrating his actions for saving lives.

He is attacked by a man named Alex Renko (Vladimir Tevlovski) and he woges into a transparent Wesen with green veins and uses them to poison Renko. Renko manages to escape but upon arriving at his hotel room, he begins to experience pain for the cumulative poison inside his body. Meanwhile, Hank () has his final therapy with his psychiatrist, Zuri Ellis (). He asks her on a date but she declines, wanting to keep things 'professional'. Renard returns to Portland and tells Nick that they may be a threat for the Verrat. Nick, Hank and Wu () are sent to investigate a body found in the freezer of a restaurant. The body is identified as Ivan Markov, a waiter, and they find the scene of the fight between Boris and Renko.

Nick, Hank and Renard decide to visit Boris as the footage shows that he acted like the attack never happened. They watch as Boris heals a boy and Nick sees his transparent hand and bones in the process. Using his Russian lessons, Renard tells Boris and his wife, Olga (Aleksandra Kaniak) that they can be trusted and offers to put a patrol on their house. Nick then tells them about what he saw and Renard deduces that Boris is a Koschie and decides to call people in Moscow that are expert on it. Along with Monroe (), Nick and Hank look in the trailer and find that used Wesen as bodyguards and was a Koschie too. The diaries also reveal that these species are difficult to kill. Meanwhile, Renard finds out from an informant in Moscow that Boris was an assassin for the and that everyone died from radioactive poisoning.

Renko's condition is notified and Nick, Hank and Wu inspect the room. They find Markov's uniform and deduce that he can be connected to Boris. As they were close to him, the three of them must have a shower. With the crowded evidence, Nick, Hank and Renard take Boris to the station. When he knows that Nick is a Grimm, he confesses that he attacked Renko in self-defense.

They suggest that he leave the country as someone else will be sent to kill him and he agrees. At his home, he begins to make out with his maid, Larissa () while drinking a vodka. She then pushes him when she finds that he didn't die. She has poisoned him as he killed her father and brother. She stabs Boris but, as she is leaving, Olga slits her throat just as Nick, Hank and Renard arrive. Larissa's wounds are grave but Boris decides to use his powers to heal her and dies doing it.

Nick returns home with Juliette and Alicia and they receive a call from Joe, Alicia's husband. Nick and Juliette deny that she is with them but it's revealed that he is parked outside their house, and woges into a Klaustreich. Reception [ ] Viewers [ ] The episode was viewed by 5.68 million people, earning a 1.5/4 in the 18-49 rating demographics on the scale, ranking first on its timeslot and fourth for the night in the 18-49 demographics, behind,,. This was a 16% increase in viewership from the previous episode, which was watched by 4.88 million viewers with a 1.2/4. This means that 1.5 percent of all households with televisions watched the episode, while 4 percent of all households watching television at that time watched it.

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