Veterinarnaya Klinicheskaya Patologiya M Dzhekson3661431

Yatusevich, A.I. Klinicheskaya biokhimiya - novaya uchebnaya distsiplina dlya spetsial'nosti 'Veterinarnaya meditsina' / A.I. Yatusevich, V.M. Kurdeko // Sovershenstvovanie uchebnogo protsessa po zoovetdistsiplinam: tezisy dokladov mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferentsii / Uchrezhdenie obrazovaniya 'Grodnenskij gosudarstvennyj agrarnyj universitet'. Sostoyaniye zdorovya i molochnaya produktivnost korov v promishlennikh regionakh [Heals status and dairy productivity of cows in industrial areas] / O.G.Loretz, M.I.Barashkin // Veterinarnaya patologiya.–2012.–V.40, №2.–P.

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It is known that cadmium has the ability to supersede biometals from the protein structures, inhibits the catalytic properties of the enzymes, depresses innate immunity factors, exacerbates the infectious process. The aim of this work was to explore the dynamics of the specific antibodies synthesis in M.bovis infected rabbits and the impact of intoxication with low doses of cadmium chloride on it. Materials and methods. The animals were divided into 4 groups, three rabbits each. The chronic intoxication was caused by using cadmium chloride the aqueous solution of which was administered orally to rabbits of groups 1 and 3 daily for 60 days in a dose of 1.5 mg/kg. The animals of groups 2 and 4 received placebo.

After 14 days from the beginning of the experiment rabbits of groups 2 and 3 were infected with M.bovis Bovinus-8. The antibody genesis dynamics was determined using indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) based on home-made antigens and multiplex immunoassay.

The diagnostic significance of the antigens was confirmed by analytical electrophoresis and immunoblot. The antibody response of infected animals (group 2) was detected since the 14th day after inoculation.Thus level of serum antibodies was stable until the end of the observation period (42 days), and the optical density reached 1.177 OD with M.bovis Bovinus-8 cell extract and 0.238 OD with their secondary metabolites. There was a specific antibody synthesis delay of up to 28-42 days in rabbits infected after preliminary intoxication (group 3). ELISA results of uninfected animals (groups 1 and 4) did not exceed 0.179 OD and 0.078 OD for those antigens, respectively. Using multiplex immunoassay it was established that the production of specific antibodies in M.bovis infected rabbits (group 2) was started on the 7th day, reaching the maximum values (greater than 50.000 RLU) on days 21-42.The evident suppression of antibody genesis observed in the group 3, when the maximum values did not exceed 9.000 RLU.

The signals did not exceed the average background level (500 RLU) in rabbits of groups 1 and 4. It was found that cadmium chloride intoxication leads to inhibition of specific antibody production in M.bovis infected rabbits what was demonstrated by multiplex immunoassay and ELISA. Valeeva, A.R. Nekotoriye fiziologicheskiye i biokhimicheskiye pokazateli krolikov pri patogenezye tuberkulyoza na fonye intoksikatsii tayzhyolimi metalami [Some physiological and biochemical indices of rabbits in the pathogenesis of tuberculosis on a background of heavy metal intoxication]/ A.R.Valeeva, R.M.Akhmadeev, Z.Z.Aleeva// Aktualniye napravleniya innovatsionnogo razvitiya zhivotnovodstva i veterinarnoy meditsini: mat.Vseross.naych.-prakt. – Ufa:Bashkirskiy GAU, 2014.–P. Providing the population with dairy products depends on the development of agricultural enterprises with high profitability of milk production and increase of livestock herds and their and productivity.

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