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Marxists Internet Archive: Introduction The Marxists Internet Archive (MIA, is an all-volunteer, non-profit public library, established in its present form in 1998 (see also the for the archive's earlier history). In 2016, MIA averaged 2.1 million visitors per month, downloading 12.4 million files per month. This represents a 63% increase in visitors since 2010. In 2017, MIA has from. MIA contains the writings of around 850 authors representing a complete spectrum of political, philosophical, and scientific thought, generally spanning the past 200 years.

MIA contains these writings in, comprising a total size of over 180,000 documents and 288 GB of data, all created through the work of volunteers around the world. MIA abides by seven fundamental tenets found in our: We will always be 100% Free; We will always be a non-profit organization; We will always be based on democratic decision making; We will always have full disclosure; We will always remain politically independent; Our priority is to provide archival information; We will present content in a way that is easy to access and understand. In 2007, we terminated our former practice of dividing all writers into, and instead offer an index of in most language sections.

The MIA aims to maintain an archive of any and all writings which are Marxist or relevant to the understanding of Marxism and can be lawfully published. In the past, some writers who have contributed to Marxism have expressed racist, sexist or other distasteful views. The MIA generally does not “filter out” such views; if we are archiving the work of a writer, any and all of that writer’s work may be included, within the limits imposed by the availability of a willing volunteer to transcribe the works and the impact of intellectual property laws. The MIA does not endorse any of the views expressed by any of the writers included here, which are provided solely for the information of the reader.

If you have basic questions about Marxism and all that relates to it, start in our. This will help introduce you to all the resources we have available and dispell common misconceptions of our views on various issues. The purpose of these pages is to tell you all about our organisation. We do this believing in the importance of organisational transparency to ensure our internal democracy remains strong, to help potential understand how we work, and to give readers insight into the scope and purpose of our organisation. For any and all legal questions, please read our section and the. • • • • • • • • • • • • •.

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