Download Doom 3 Weapons Mod Doom 2

This mod Done by Doomero has all of the doom 3 weapons converted to doom 2 sprites and is a pretty good looking mod from experience. It features: Doom 3 pistol Doom 3 shotgun Doom 3 double barreled shotgun Doom 3 Machine gun Doom 3 Minigun Doom 3 Rocket launcher Doom 3. This mod Done by Doomero has all of the doom 3 weapons converted to doom 2 sprites and is a pretty good looking mod from experience. It features: Doom 3 pistol Doom 3 shotgun Doom 3 double barreled shotgun Doom 3 Machine gun Doom 3 Minigun Doom 3 Rocket.

Okay, kinda strange to bring this thread back up, but after finally getting around to spending some quality time with it I have to say (in case ChaosCentral still keeps tabs here) that I prefer this version of the D3 Weapons over the 'Reissued' version since everything's much easier to keep track of rather than having the extra ammo types and grenades strewn about. A few minor issues, though: - Bullet and shotgun pickups placed normally around maps or from downed enemies don't seem to appear that often; was this intentional, or something screwy interfering with the normal item/drop placements? - Some weapons - shotgun and rockets in particular - might be a wee bit too powerful. I know that you have the weapon reload issue there to balance things out, but when I can down close to a dozen imps or zombies with one well placed shotgun blast it sometimes feels like I'm cheating a bit.

But then I play some of the monster-heavy WADs that send scores of baddies at you en masse constantly, and I don't think it's cheating any more. Other than that, a long overdue and belated 'great work'. EDIT: The zoom degree is also pretty absurd. Toning that down would've been nice. Joined: 19 May 2011 Location: I LOVE WINGS! K elize noti dlya fortepiano s applikaturoj song. Doom 2.5 Weapons V.1 Removed flashlight (didn't work with the current GZDoom versions) and grenades (didn't really use them for anything) Pistol: - Added classic 'DSPISTOL' sfx - Increased firing rate and reload speed - Changed spread to 2 horizontal, 2 vertical for greater accuracy - Restored classic bullet clip pickup; clips give 12 rounds, boxes give 60 rounds - Zombiemen now drop pistols, 6 rounds on pickup - Changed max bullet ammo to 300/600 Notes: As a whole I wanted the pistol to be a much more viable and useful backup weapon for finishing off enemies and long-range combat.

Basically made it more useful. Shotgun: - Added classic 'DSSHOT' and 'DSWPNUP' sfx for firing and pumping - Greatly increased ready speed, firing rate and reload speed - Changed spread to 3 horizontal, 3 vertical - Restored classic shell and shell box pickups, 4 rounds for shells, 20 for boxes Notes: I didn't like the Doom 3 shotgun, especially the slow ready speed and firing rate. It's more suitable for close range - mid range combat, like a good shotgun should be. Super Shotgun - Added SSG as a Slot 3 weapon; works just like the classic one because why fix what isn't broken? - Added classic 'DSDSSH' sfx Chaingun: - Greatly increased ready speed, wind-up speed and reload speed - Added 'DSPISTOL' sfx - Changed spread to 4 horizontal, 3 vertical Notes: Basically, I wanted to make the chaingun closer to the classic Doom version in terms of how it works, while making it more useful for suppressing fire or stunning larger enemies. Rocket Launcher - Slightly increased missile power to 23 and speed to 30 - Restored classic rocket pickup values (single rocket and 5 round clip) Notes: I essentially wanted to make the launcher a bit more balanced because of the need to reload, but other than that it should be the same. Plasma Rifle: - Greatly increased firing rate and reload speed - Restored classic cell and cell pack pickups and values(20 rounds for cell, 100 for cell pack) - Added 'DSPLASMA' sfx Notes: I love the plasma rifle, and I basically wanted to make it the rapid-firing death dealer it always was in the classic games, while taking into account the need to reload.

Download Doom 3 Weapons Mod Doom 2

Perfect for mowing down small targets and heavily damaging larger ones. BFG: - Greatly increased reload speed and charge speed - you can reach full charge in roughly a few seconds, making it a lot more like the classic one. - Removed damage to player from blasts - Removed that pesky 'overcharge' explosion: Now you can hold a full charge for as long as you need to. You're welcome. - Still uses BFG Cells; Changed max ammo to 24/48 cells; BFG cells spawn randomly where energy cell packs should Notes: The BFG now works like the room-clearer it should be, without any worry about harming yourself while using it. Ukrainskij voyazh 2013 sbornik torrent. Doom 2.5 Weapons V.2 - Same as above, but added Machinegun, and Z-sec enemy, and tweaked Chaingun Machinegun: - Added as a Slot 4 weapon, spawns randomly in Chaingun spawn spots - Changed spread to 3 horizontal, 2 vertical - Uses Bullets for ammo - Changed sfx to 'DSMP40' from Brutal Doom (courtesy of Sgt. Mark_IV) Notes: The MG is a lot more of a long-range weapon, combining the Pistol's accuracy with a greater firing rate.