Chirodini Tumi Je Amar 2 Movie Free Download Hd

Apr 18, 2014 - Chirodini Tumi Je Amar 2 (2014) Bangla Full Movie HD, 3gp, Avi, mp4 Free Download. Chirodini Tumi Je Amar 2, directed by Soumik.

Contents • • • • • Plot [ ] A girl () is being admitted to hospital after she has been attacked and her face burnt with acid. Police inspector () is being mobbed by the media inquiring about the girl, while doctors are continuously trying to bring her back to consciousness. The inspector asks the girls mother whether she knows the perpetrator. The mother says that there is a certain man, who is always stalking her daughter.

Is dragged to the police station, pleading and crying that he has not done anything. Kharaj asks him his details and Arjun tells him he was forced to come to Kolkata and work in a factory to support his parents.

Kharaj finds a photo of the girl in his wallet and asks about it. Arjun Chakrabarty tells him that he now works at a local street food stall, and one day Soma Chakraborty scolds him for looking at her daughter. Everyday the girl, along with her mother pass by in front of the food stall and he loves her from afar. Arjun Chakrabarty is revealed as an innocent, due to his pure heart; he is not hardened by the city's cruel, selfish politics and people. Comes to the police station to lodge a complaint against Raj (), a boy whom she suspects could have thrown acid at Urmila Mahanta by mistake. Ena starts by explaining her family have taken in Urmila Mahanta to look after her as both her parents are working. Raj is the spoilt son of rich and well connected parents.

He starts a friendship with Ena Saha, and while at first she is impressed with him, she drops him after finding he has secretly videoed her on his mobile phone. He attacks her, throwing her off her bicycle. Since then, Ena Saha always goes to and from school with her mother. One day, after returning from school, she finds there is no water in the bathroom, and that the tap has been turned off. During this time, Raj thinks Ena Saha is alone at home. He rings the front door bell and throws acid at the person who answers- only to find it is Urmila Mahanta.

After hearing her story, Kharaj Mukherjee gives instructions to call Raj and his mother to the police station, but she avoids the call. They come in the next day, and once separated from his mother, Raj soon gives away under pressure and admits his guilt. Meanwhile, his mother calls the minister and asks him to help release her son.

The minister calls Kharaj Mukherjee and makes a deal with him. Arjun Chakrabarty is beaten and made to confess guilt, so Raj can be released. Arjun Chakrabarty refuses to confess until Kharaj Mukherjee, suggests the money that would have been spent on bailing Raj can be used for Urmila Mahanta's treatment. Arjun Chakrabarty loves her, so he confesses. He is sentenced to 10 years imprisonment and INR 5000 as punishment. Vetkodrobilka svoimi rukami.

Comes to see his friend and refuses to believe that he is guilty, so Arjun Chakrabarty tells him the real story. Riddhi Sen in turn tells Urmila Mahanta the truth and of the unconditional love Arjun Chakrabarty has for her. Urmila Mahanta goes to meet Arjun Chakrabarty at court on the day of his hearing, and sees him taken away to the jail. Enraged by the injustice she hands Kharaj Mukherjee a letter accusing him of sending a poor innocent to jail while allowing the rich to go free.