Baranov Lingvisticheskaya Ekspertiza Teksta Pdf

Baranov 1990 Taras 2001 yazyka Paducheva teksta soznaniye Shevchenko Lingvisticheskaya kommunikatsii ekspertiza evaluative lingvistiku. Tekst kak ob'ekt lingvisticheskogo issledovaniya [Text as an Object of. Lingvisticheskaya ekspertiza teksta: teoreticheskie.

Abstract This article discusses the ways in which culture in general, and language in particular, has become an important field of attention to the authorities in today’s Russia for a particular purpose. Over the last decade, Russian authorities have significantly increased their involvement in the cultural field, creating programmes for the patriotic education of citizens, adopting new laws and regulations affecting film, literature and art, drawing on the capital of culture for all its worth. It is important to get a firm grasp of the state’s renewed interest in culture, in order to assess its impact in the broader context of Russian politics and society.

In the following, I discuss a few concrete examples of state involvement in the cultural sphere, focusing in particular on the question of language legislation. Copyright (c) 2017 Ingunn Lunde This work is licensed under a. Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms: Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal. Dart vejder iz bumagi 1.

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